Returns the latest YouTube video of a channel or a playlist.
We use YouTube API Services to query data that powers this variable. Use of this variable is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and YouTube Terms of Service
This variable takes one required parameter that is either a channel name, channel ID or playlist ID.
Example Output
$(youtube xqcow)
xQc Cries from Laughing at Fan-Made Memes | Reddit Recap #213 - https://youtu.be/ONPkz0cHt9E
$(youtube UCmDTrq0LNgPodDOFZiSbsww)
xQc Cries from Laughing at Fan-Made Memes | Reddit Recap #213 - https://youtu.be/ONPkz0cHt9E
$(youtube playlist=PLKeR9CeyAc9brDTtmz6DcCQpy5mA6m9AK)
You Wont Believe This Great Escape - https://youtu.be/6nXBfJ3ZGE4
Error Output
In case an invalid or no channel name, channel ID or playlist ID is provided, returns the following:
[Error: YouTube API returned an error.]