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Returns the number of times a command or keyword has been executed in a channel, and optionally offers the ability to create custom counting variables.


Returns the current number that is stored in a custom counting variable.


This variable takes one optional parameter that is a custom counting variable name. Defaults to the behavior of $(count) if no parameter is provided, and returns as well as increments the command or keyword usage count by 1.

Example Output

  • $(count.get) (previously stored count: 10)

  • $(count.get my-cool-variable)


Error Output

  • In case an invalid custom counting variable name is provided, returns the following:

    [Error: Count name invalid. Must contain only alphanumeric, dashes, or underscores.]


Returns and increments the current number that is stored in a custom counting variable by 1 or a specified amount. Shares this behaviour with $(count.update).


This variable takes one required parameter that is a custom counting variable name and one optional parameter that is the amount by which to increment (positive) or decrement (negative) the previously stored count.

Example Output

  • $(count.increment my-cool-variable) (previously stored count: 22)

  • $(count.increment my-cool-variable 10) (previously stored count: 22)

  • $(count.increment my-cool-variable -10) (previously stored count: 22)


Error Output

  • In case an invalid or no variable name is provided, returns the following:

    [Error: Count name invalid. Must contain only alphanumeric, dashes, or underscores.]


Returns and sets the current stored number in a custom counting variable to a specified amount.


This variable takes two required parameters. The first parameter is a custom counting variable name, and the second parameter is the amount that should be stored in the specified custom counting variable (minimum 0).

Example Output

  • $(count.set my-cool-variable 20)


Error Output

  • In case an invalid custom counting variable name is provided, returns the following:

    [Error: Count name invalid. Must contain only alphanumeric, dashes, or underscores.]
  • In case no or only one parameter is provided, returns the following:

    [Error: Usage: $(count.set <name> <count>).]


Returns and increments the current number that is stored in a custom counting variable by 1 or a specified amount. Shares this behaviour with $(count.increment).


This variable takes one required parameter that is a custom counting variable name and one optional parameter that is the amount by which to increment (positive) or decrement (negative) the previously stored count.

Example Output

  • $(count.update my-cool-variable) (previously stored count: 22)

  • $(count.update my-cool-variable 10) (previously stored count: 22)

  • $(count.update my-cool-variable -10) (previously stored count: 22)


Error Output

  • In case an invalid or no variable name is provided, returns the following:

    [Error: Count name invalid. Must contain only alphanumeric, dashes, or underscores.]