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Returns a range of metadata around a (specified) user's channel that can be accessed via multiple different variable members for each unique piece of information.

Example Usage

  • A command with the name !chatters and a response of the following:

    There are currently $(chatters) people in chat!

    If triggered, could return the following response:

    There are currently 35 people in chat!
  • A command with the name !randomchatter and a response of the following:

    A random user in chat is $(chatters.random) 👀

    If triggered, could return the following response:

    A random user in chat is Aiden 👀


Returns the same as $(chatters.count), the number of users currently connected to this chat room.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(chatters)


Error Output

  • In case Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list, returns the following:

    [Error: Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list. Please have the broadcaster log in at]
  • In case there is an unexpected Twitch API error.

    [Error: Unable to query chatters list.]


Returns the number of users currently connected to this chat room.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(chatters.count)


Error Output

  • In case Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list, returns the following:

    [Error: Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list. Please have the broadcaster log in at]
  • In case there is an unexpected Twitch API error.

    [Error: Unable to query chatters list.]


Returns the same as $(chatters.random.display_name), the uppercase version, or internationalized version of a user's username of a user connected to this chat room.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(chatters.random)


Error Output

  • In case Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list, returns the following:

    [Error: Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list. Please have the broadcaster log in at]
  • In case there is no one connected to chat, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to find a chatter.]
  • In case there is an unexpected Twitch API error, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to query chatters list.]


Returns the uppercase version, or internationalized version of a user's username of a user connected to this chat room.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(chatters.random.display_name)


Error Output

  • In case Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list, returns the following:

    [Error: Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list. Please have the broadcaster log in at]
  • In case there is no one connected to chat, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to find a chatter.]
  • In case there is an unexpected Twitch API error, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to query chatters list.]


Returns the lowercase username of a random user connected to this chat room.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(chatters.random.login)


Error Output

  • In case Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list, returns the following:

    [Error: Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list. Please have the broadcaster log in at]
  • In case there is no one connected to chat, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to find a chatter.]
  • In case there is an unexpected Twitch API error, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to query chatters list.]


Returns the platform ID of a random user connected to this chat room.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(chatters.random.provider_id)


Error Output

  • In case Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list, returns the following:

    [Error: Fossabot does not have access to the chatters list. Please have the broadcaster log in at]
  • In case there is no one connected to chat, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to find a chatter.]
  • In case there is an unexpected Twitch API error, returns the following:

    [Error: Unable to query chatters list.]