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Returns a range of metadata around the currently running Twitch Charity campaign on a broadcaster's channel.


An alias to combine many charity variables together in the following format: $( $(charity.description) - $(


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(charity)

    St Jude ChildCare Centres UK: St Jude India ChildCare Centres UK provides cost-free accommodation and holistic care to help disadvantaged children survive cancer. -

Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]


Returns the total amount raised for the charity in the current campaign that the channel is running.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(charity.amount_raised)


Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]


Returns the description of the charity the channel is fundraising for.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(charity.description)

    St Jude India ChildCare Centres UK provides cost-free accommodation and holistic care to help disadvantaged children survive cancer.

Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]


Returns the name of the charity the channel is fundraising for.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(

    St Jude ChildCare Centres UK

Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]


Returns the progress towards the current fundraising goal for the charity campaign on the channel, as a percentage.

This value may exceed 100%, allowing Fossabot to highlight the achievement of a channel exceeding their fundraising goal.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(charity.progress)


Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]
  • In case there is no fundraising goal set for this campaign, returns the following:

    [Error: No fundraising goal set.]
  • In case Twitch returns the current amount raised and the fundraising goal in different currencies, returns the following:

    [Error: Cannot calculate progress: Current and target currencies mismatch.]


Returns the amount left to raise to reach the current fundraising goal set for the charity campaign running on the channel.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(charity.remaining)

  • In case the goal has already been reached, returns the following:


Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]
  • In case there is no fundraising goal set for this campaign, returns the following:

    [Error: No fundraising goal set.]
  • In case Twitch returns the current amount raised and the fundraising goal in different currencies, returns the following:

    [Error: Cannot calculate progress: Current and target currencies mismatch.]


Returns the fundraising goal set for the charity campaign that the channel is fundraising for.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(


Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]
  • In case there is no fundraising goal set for this campaign, returns the following:

    [Error: No fundraising goal set.]


Returns the website of the charity the channel is fundraising for.


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output

  • $(

Error Output

  • In case there is no active charity campaign on the channel, returns the following:

    [Error: No campaign active.]