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Returns a range of metadata around a broadcaster's latest TikTok video that can be accessed via multiple different placeholders.

Authorization required!

This variable will only function if a broadcaster has authorized and connected a TikTok account within Fossabot's dashboard under the Integrations tab.


Returns the same as $(, the metadata around a broadcaster's latest TikTok video.


This variable takes one optional parameter that is a custom format in which to return the latest video information.

  • Supported Placeholders
    • {title} - The video's title.
    • {description} - The video's description.
    • {url} - The video's URL.
    • {created} - The video's creation date.
    • {duration} - The video's length.
    • {like_count} - How often the video was liked.
    • {comment_count} - How often the video was commented on.
    • {share_count} - How often the video was shared.
    • {view_count} - How often the video has been watched.
    • {id} - The video's unique identifier.

Example Output

  • $(

    Test -
  • $( '{title}' currently has {view_count} views, {share_count} shares and {like_count} likes.)

    'Test' currently has 243 views, 11 shares and 62 likes.

Error Output

  • In case no TikTok account is connected, returns the following:

    [Error: TikTok authorization invalid. Please authorize on -> integrations] 


Returns the same as $(tiktok), the metadata around a broadcaster's latest TikTok video.


This variable takes one optional parameter that is a custom format in which to return the latest video information.

  • Supported Placeholders
    • {title} - The video's title.
    • {description} - The video's description.
    • {url} - The video's URL.
    • {created} - The video's creation date.
    • {duration} - The video's length.
    • {like_count} - How often the video was liked.
    • {comment_count} - How often the video was commented on.
    • {share_count} - How often the video was shared.
    • {view_count} - How often the video has been watched.
    • {id} - The video's unique identifier.

Example Output

  • $(tiktok) or $(

    Test -
  • $(tiktok '{title}' currently has {view_count} views, {share_count} shares and {like_count} likes.)

    'Test' currently has 243 views, 11 shares and 62 likes.

Error Output

  • In case no TikTok account is connected, returns the following:

    [Error: TikTok authorization invalid. Please authorize on -> integrations]